Friday, September 01, 2006


"Labor" Day Weekend?

When Jeff and I first found out the baby’s due date we joked around that we may bring new meaning to Labor Day weekend. For no certain reason, we both think this will be true…Jeff thinks Sunday night; I’m thinking (hoping?) tomorrow. Either day would be great because we’re really comfortable with the women who are on call this weekend and we have nothing else planned - haha.

We had our appointment today at the Birth Center and the baby has (finally) dropped - hence my need to whiz every five minutes – and the heartbeat is strong and steady. We also went over all the options to jump start this labor – more to come on those if they’re necessary.

I brought along the camera today on my morning walk with Bronte; I figured I should document her last days as an only child. Beginning each day with a hike through the woods has really helped me through these past 40 weeks both mentally and physically. I'm able to sort out what I what to accomplish, think of design solutions, and decide what I want to eat ;). On the physical side my knee hasn't given out again. I'm optomistic that if I can lug around 30 extra pounds on the front side and not feel any pain, then I'll be able to throw on a 30 pound back pack next spring and hike around.

Rose/Grandma has been busy these past 40 weeks too. She hooked the baby up with an AWESOME hand painted ottoman. Well, okay it’s not for the baby per se, but it will be used when I nurse, Jeff bottle feeds, and we read/rock the baby to sleep. Now all we need is the baby to go with it!

YAY!!! Baby pics. We need more though. She is gorgeous!! Can't wait until I am there and can hold her.
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