Monday, September 25, 2006


vermont 50

grandma rose came for a visit this past wknd, got to meet Seneca. she showed her skills as a grandma, quieting her down in the most fretful of situations... hiked-up Wright's Tower on Thursday, amazing view of Boston below, too bad our camera skills aren't as amazing as mom's ability to quiet Seneca...

so tiring being a baby...


what's that? something shiny? oh my!

i have no idea what she's thinking about now!

the vermont 50 was sunday, read all about it here.

seneca sporting the newest in baby-bike wear style.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


Seneca's first lobsta' bake! And some video!

saturday jenn, seneca, bronte t dog and i headed to a lobster bake at andy's. seneca's first big party and she did just grand. weather was absolutely perfect, 75-80 degrees, sunny, no bugs, nice little breeze, ample sunshine, how couldn't you be happy on a day like that!? then add lobsters to the mix!? however, it was sad to say goodbye to Nana saturday morning (aka, mary), who's been such a huge help the first 10 days of Seneca's life...

prior to cooking. already looking great!

the "bug's" are done! now that's an old fashioned lobsta bake!

jenn and seneca enjoying the day.

Seneca sleeps through just 'bout all the action. mom ate 2 lobsters so seneca's got a taste for 'em now!

b-dog being b-dog, just chillin'.

went for our first walk as a family on sunday morning. it was nice to get-back out, i know jenn's been itching to get back into her routine - something that's tough with a hungry little milk-machine in the house. but don't worry, we've been eating her share of the cookies.

Couple-Few Videos:

Stay away from the light!

Reggae power

Sunday morning walk

B-dog shows her stuff

Met with Dr Matt for the 2nd time today at Senca's 2wk check-up. She's doing great, gaining weight right on schedule, 1 ounce / day. We really like Dr Matt, he takes his time, answers all our questions, draws diagrams, hums and sings, which would be odd for a Podiatrist, but just perfect for a Pediatrician!

Monday, September 11, 2006


Mother Sucker

A lot of people have asked how nursing is going. Seneca had her first visit to the doctor's today and she's already back to her full birth weight - she was 7lbs 12ozs when we left the hospital. So I guess she's getting her fill. I have to say after she's filled her tank, the expression on her face is so sweet and pure that I don't mind being up at 2 am...I'm sure I'll be retracting these words somewhere in the future, but for now 2 am is bliss. The doctor said she is a picture of health and was a total peach during the exam.

In other events, Seneca went on her first walk today with Bronte. We didn't go to the woods, but did manage to see some ducks and give Bronte some swim time. Nana/Mom pushed the stroller while I threw the ball at ducks - just kidding Nana threw the ball at the ducks.

All this walking is making Seneca sleepy.

Seneca and Auntie A-train getting aquainted.

Nanny's (my grandmother) awesome knittin'.

Friday, September 08, 2006


First bath

another couple hospital pics...

uncle Jako holding seneca. she looks mighty tiny in his big boxer's arms...

3 generations of Morrison girls w/ Jenn's sister Carole Ann holding Seneca.

jenn's baby photo next to seneca. see a resemblance? nah.

ahhh, sleepin' on dad. again.

sleepin' on mom.

home. time for our first bath! somehow managed to not mess it up. at least not too bad.

wow, that's a big dog. it won't be long till seneca's pullin' bronte's ears, really making her mark as a "sister".

Thursday, September 07, 2006


Seneca Maeve Morrison Whittingham

At 11:58p on Monday September 4th, we welcomed Seneca Maeve Morrison Whittingham into the world.

Monday started early, with Jennifer waking to light contractions at 315a. Being birth neophites, we jumped in the car, headed to the birth center and were promptly sent home to await stronger contractions. We had some time to kill so Jenn gave me the green light for a 2hr mtbike ride in the Fells. How many wives give their husbands the green light to ride when undergoing contractions!?

At 5p the contractions had really increased in force, but were still spaced too far apart so we took a short walks in the Fells up Wright's Tower w/a late summer sun nearing its end. We never get tired of this view - all of Boston and the harbor layed-out below us, busy roads streaming commerce in and out of the city, the Blue Hills reaching-up to the South. The walk really helped move things along - and we got some odd looks from others while jenn leaned on me during contractions!

At 9p we were on our way back to the Birth Center and over the next 2 1/2 hours Jenn gave a clinic on how to have natural child birth. Calm, controlled and focused she worked with her body - and before we knew it I was staring down at a surprising large head and face - and one push later - our daughter was born. Beyond that, i don't have the words to describe how amazing an experience it was. Minutes after birth Jenn looked so fabulous you wouldn't know the effot she'd just produced. I held Seneca while Jenn was taken care of by our patient, knowledgable, and caring midwife Karen.

We are in awe of this amazing day. so many people have said in ominous tones, "this will change your lives forever", or mentioned how hard child birth is, we both wondered why so many people focused on the negatives, the fears of the process vs the pure awe, beauty and wonder of it. And of course our lives are changed! For the better.


Jenn looking fabulous.

Jenn and Seneca looking fabulous.

Dad and daughter catching some zzz's...

did i mention wow?

Friday, September 01, 2006


"Labor" Day Weekend?

When Jeff and I first found out the baby’s due date we joked around that we may bring new meaning to Labor Day weekend. For no certain reason, we both think this will be true…Jeff thinks Sunday night; I’m thinking (hoping?) tomorrow. Either day would be great because we’re really comfortable with the women who are on call this weekend and we have nothing else planned - haha.

We had our appointment today at the Birth Center and the baby has (finally) dropped - hence my need to whiz every five minutes – and the heartbeat is strong and steady. We also went over all the options to jump start this labor – more to come on those if they’re necessary.

I brought along the camera today on my morning walk with Bronte; I figured I should document her last days as an only child. Beginning each day with a hike through the woods has really helped me through these past 40 weeks both mentally and physically. I'm able to sort out what I what to accomplish, think of design solutions, and decide what I want to eat ;). On the physical side my knee hasn't given out again. I'm optomistic that if I can lug around 30 extra pounds on the front side and not feel any pain, then I'll be able to throw on a 30 pound back pack next spring and hike around.

Rose/Grandma has been busy these past 40 weeks too. She hooked the baby up with an AWESOME hand painted ottoman. Well, okay it’s not for the baby per se, but it will be used when I nurse, Jeff bottle feeds, and we read/rock the baby to sleep. Now all we need is the baby to go with it!

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