Friday, October 13, 2006
Essentials of motherhood
There have been a few clutch things that helped me through pregnancy, labor, and now motherhood. At the risk of saying "thank-you" too much here's what those items are:
Every woman needs a pair of good jeans and pregnancy is no excuse. I wore these almost every day when I was pregnant and have worn them almost everyday since having Seneca. Thanks Aunt Carole Ann!
It's interesting to think about becoming a parent. There is so much to learn, and way too much remember. This book has already become dog eared and worn from the countless times Jeff and I have flipped through it to look something up. Thanks Aunt Lisa for hooking us up with some good advise.
Before getting pregnant, I never really thought about labor at all - if it would be hard, if it would hurt, if I would use drugs. When we found out I was pregnant, I just figured I may as well do it the old fashioned way and go natural. I read and re-read this book many times in the past year. It's filled with beautiful stories about natural births and made me look forward to and feel confident about Seneca's birth day - to expect the unexpected.
Alicia rocked the sling when Ania was a baby and totally sold me on how easy it is. We went to a wedding this past weekend and it was the best thing we packed. Seneca crashes out when she's in the maya wrap and Jeff and I can walk around without having to lug the car seat everywhere. It's what I wear when I walk in the woods with her and Bronte....
And lastly and most importantly everyone needs a Jeff. If it weren't for him being sooo patient with my undulating emotions when I was pregnant, being calm, supportive, and reading my needs during labor, and being such a fabulous husband and picking up some of my chores around the house while I figure out how the heck this whole motherhood thing works, I wouldn't be able to even have time to brush my teeth.
Every woman needs a pair of good jeans and pregnancy is no excuse. I wore these almost every day when I was pregnant and have worn them almost everyday since having Seneca. Thanks Aunt Carole Ann!
It's interesting to think about becoming a parent. There is so much to learn, and way too much remember. This book has already become dog eared and worn from the countless times Jeff and I have flipped through it to look something up. Thanks Aunt Lisa for hooking us up with some good advise.
Before getting pregnant, I never really thought about labor at all - if it would be hard, if it would hurt, if I would use drugs. When we found out I was pregnant, I just figured I may as well do it the old fashioned way and go natural. I read and re-read this book many times in the past year. It's filled with beautiful stories about natural births and made me look forward to and feel confident about Seneca's birth day - to expect the unexpected.
No matter how many times the nurses showed me and Jeff how to swaddle her up we could never do it as snugly as they did - so we cheated and bought this. Seneca doesn't always want to be wrapped up like a sausage, but when she does, she sleeps like a champ.
Alicia rocked the sling when Ania was a baby and totally sold me on how easy it is. We went to a wedding this past weekend and it was the best thing we packed. Seneca crashes out when she's in the maya wrap and Jeff and I can walk around without having to lug the car seat everywhere. It's what I wear when I walk in the woods with her and Bronte....
And lastly and most importantly everyone needs a Jeff. If it weren't for him being sooo patient with my undulating emotions when I was pregnant, being calm, supportive, and reading my needs during labor, and being such a fabulous husband and picking up some of my chores around the house while I figure out how the heck this whole motherhood thing works, I wouldn't be able to even have time to brush my teeth.
Jeff catches Seneca and Bronte up on the latest Velo news...
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Pretty soon you'll get to pick up Seneca a pair of these!
Glad to see everything is going well with her. I'll be in albany for Thanksgiving. Any plans for a trip to Nisky around then?
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Glad to see everything is going well with her. I'll be in albany for Thanksgiving. Any plans for a trip to Nisky around then?
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