Tuesday, November 28, 2006
it seems like every baby has a nickname, peanut, munchkin, pumpkin, you know, the usual assortment of cute names that makes everyone else (sans baby) think yer crazy. jenn and i are simple people, we started-off with the obvious: "baby", pronounced: bae-be. but, we knew it couldn't last and a better nickname had to be found, but you can't push these things! then, one day a few wks ago, jenn said something like 'the little muffin-head is sleeping' and muffin-head was here to stay. and, as with all good nicknames, it can morph to any situation or mood. after a trying session at the photographer's today, she was a 'fussy-muffin' which of course can be replaced with tired-muffin, action-muffin, happy-muffin, gatorFan-muffin, and of course, little muffin-head.
as of next monday, i'll be a stay-at-home dad (for the month of dec). it'll be interesting, that's fer sure.
as of next monday, i'll be a stay-at-home dad (for the month of dec). it'll be interesting, that's fer sure.